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Registered customers are required to go through the approval process. Your franchise information will be verified before you are able to purchase.
You can access your account information by clicking on your account name at the top of the page.
No. If you already have an account with us, contact Customer Service at (888) 358-8400. They will provide you with your login and password.
If you are a registered user and have forgotten your password, you can select the "Reset My Password" button on the My Account page.
Before you place an order with us, you must register with us.
To edit an address, click on account Information. The details of your account are displayed. The Help Index below your addresses contains links to change the address listed.
No. You cannot delete an address; but you can edit an existing address.
We accept Visa, Mastercard, American Express and Discover. Should you wish to use a payment method that is not currently listed, please contact customer service for assistance. All transactions are conducted in U.S. dollars.
You may have specified more than one credit card in your account information. The default credit card is the card that will be charged with the value of your order unless you select another credit card to be charged for this order.
Yes. To update credit card information, click on My Account. Click on Credit Card Details button in the Account Info page. Select the card from the list and click on Update Credit Card button.
No. You cannot have more than one billing address. But you can change your billing address by editing it.
The taxes on your order depend on your ship-to location. Sales tax will be added for any ship-to location in Missouri, Kansas, Illinois and Florida. You will be responsible for any other applicable taxes.
You may have specified more than one shipping address in your account information. The default shipping address is the address to which your order will be shipped unless you select another shipping address for this order.
Yes. You can specify as many shipping addresses as you want.
To add a shipping address, click on Account Information. The details of your account are displayed. Click on the Add New Shipping Address button to add a new shipping address.
Click on the TRACK YOUR ORDER link on the navigation bar at the top of any web page. Details about your orders should be displayed.
We ship using FedEx Ground so shipping depends on where you are located in relation to our warehouse in Missouri. For all shipping information please visit our shipping information page found here.
Click on the TRACK YOUR ORDER link on the navigation bar at the top of any web page. Details about your orders should be displayed.
To cancel an order, you must contact customer service by phone or e-mail.
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