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Equipment Stand, 48''W x 30''D x 24''H, 16/304 stainless steel top with 1''H up-turn on sides & rear
Equipment Stand, 48''W x 30''D x 24''H, 16/304 stainless steel top with 1''H up-turn on sides & rear

Equipment Stand, 48''W x 30''D x 24''H, 16/304 stainless steel top with 1''H up-turn on sides & rear

Price: $347.49
Item #: SKIBSKIESS3048
Feature: each
Manufacturer: Skibee Distributing, Inc.

Equipment Stand, 48''W x 30''D x 24''H, 16/304 stainless steel top with 1''H up-turn on sides & rear, adjustable 16/304 stainless steel undershelf, stainless steel legs with adjustable stainless steel bullet feet

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